Transform Your Home: Custom Residential Renovations and Additions Tailored to You

Discover Our Expertise in Crafting Customized Residential Spaces

Welcome to Lewis and Associates, your ultimate partner in residential renovations and home additions. Our team of skilled craftsmen is committed to delivering unparalleled value, no matter the scale of your project. From extensive home renovations to room additions and custom cabinet creations, we handle it all with precision and quality.

Contact us today for a complimentary estimate at 443-597-2657. Your dream home transformation awaits!

MHIC #106698

For custom cabinets please visit us at

Wet room
Bathroom Renovations
Kitchen Renovations
Custom Cabinets and Storage
Garages and Additions
stone stairway
Decks and Exterior Renovations
pool table
Basement Renovations
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